Monday, 28 August 2017

Guns N’ Roses – Civil War With Lyrics

“Civil War” is a song by the rock band Guns N’ Roses, which originally appeared on the 1990 compilation Nobody’s Child: Romanian Angel Appeal and later on the 1991 album Use Your Illusion II. It is a protest song on war, referring to all war as ‘civil war’ and that it only “feeds the rich while it buries the poor.” In the song, singer Axl Rose asks, “What’s so civil about war, anyway?”

“Axl came up with a couple of lines at the beginning. And… I went in a peace march, when I was a little kid, with my mom. I was like four years old. For Martin Luther King. And that’s when: “Did you wear the black arm band when they shot the man who said: ‘Peace could last forever’?. It’s just true-life experiences, really.”

refresh my great memories.. GOD Bless GNR.


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